a photographic project by the school children of Hepburn Shire
The framed "Day in the Life of Hepburn Shire" photos are being sold as a fundraiser for the Goldfields Cluster
Schools. this is via an open auction where bids will be taken till 3.30pm on Thursday June 23rd. The highest bid on this day
will secure a purchase. All moneys raised will be used to fund the schools entry into the Biennale as a regular event.
If you are interested in making a bid to purchase a framed photo panel, contact the Daylesford Secondary College office
on 5348 2367 and state the shop of the display, the photo number and the amount of your bid.
We hope you have enjoyed taking a walk through " A Day in the Life of Hepburn Shire"
On Saturday April 23rd, selected school students from across all year levels, from to primary secondary, took part in this
project to photographically depict a day in the life of the Hepburn Shire. The resulting images have been edited down and
compiled into layouts by the students. These framed pages hang in the shopfront windows of Vincent and Albert Streets for
the duration of the Daylesford Foto Biennale. At the end of DFB 05 they will be removed from their frames and bound into a
book which will be presented to the Hepburn Shire Council.
pre shooting day briefing with the participants |
You can find "Day in the Life of Hepburn Shire" photos in the following shopfronts:
The Ice Cream Parlour
Puppy Phat
Country Classics
Magic Pudding
Yuulong Lavender
BB Gifts
Z Cees Chicken
Champion Restaurant
Town Hall Cafe
Ex Libris
Sweet Decadence
Mitre 10
The Food Gallery
Health Foods Naturally
Daylesford Newsagent
Sweet Indulgence
Littles Service Station
Spa Centre Meats
Penny Arcade
Noahs Ark
Further inquiries from the project co ordinator Jessica Sargeant Tel 5348 2367
Special thanks to Kodak Professional, Bookcrafts and Fineprint Productions for their generous sponsorship, and
to Rob Mancini for design supervision, and Julie Millowick from Latrobe Univesity Bendigo and Michael Rayner and Lynette Zeeng
from Photography Studies College who mentored the Hepburn students for this project
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