who's who
our patron
Wolfgang Sievers
Born in Berlin of an art historian father and a film director mother, Mim Sievers was always going to make an indelible
mark in some form of self-expression.. When he left Germany in 1938 to escape conscription into the Luftwaffe, he came to
a Melbourne which was the centre of manufacturing industry in Australia. Quickly establishing himself as an architectural
and industrial photographer, he was the leader of the post-war push to bring images of Australia’s industry to the
world, through worldwide Australian Government Trade shows. For the next 40 years he was to be the benchmark by which all
industrial or architectural photography was judged, and Mim’s images of his adopted nation’s coming of
age have had a dramatic and decisive effect on Australia’s economic and cultural development.
Daylesford Foto Biennale Inc
Festival Director: Jeff Moorfoot BA phot RMIT, M.photog, HLM, FAIPP is a Lyonville based commercial photographer/ photo artist
/ photographic educator. He is the Founder of the photographic group free radicals co organiser of Galeria Bezdomna / Homeless
Gallery in Australia, convener of the Victorian Photography Student of the Year Awards, council member of the AIPP Vic Division,
and member of the AIPP National Education sub committee.
Daylesford Foto Biennale Inc
President: Lynette Zeeng MA vis com As well as running her own commercial photography business Lynette lectures in photography
at PSC and Swinburne University. She is an acknowledged expert on the Polaroid transfer process. Her work is exhibited and
published internationally
Vice President: vacant
Secretary: Cindy Cameron
Treasurer and public officer: Lily Andrew B Comm,Grad Dip Fin Planning.CA, lives at Muskvale and is a partner in the Melbourne
Chartered Accountancy firm Manning and Perry. She is currently studying for her MBA
Julie Millowick MA Dip art & design is lecturer in charge of photography and photojournalism at Latrobe University Bendigo.
Her career spans parallel paths in photographic art, commercial photography practice and photographic education
Fiona Brook. Wheatsheaf based, Fiona has a strong background in communication, with production, photography, writing,
publicity, editorial and costume design amongst the many strings to her bow. She is partner with her husband Anthony in Scibelli
Brook Photography
Julie Moss BA, Grad Dip Arts, Ass Dip Comm. Dev, is Managing Director Photography Studies College Melbourne.
DFB Foundation Members
Alison Pouliot
Annie Horner
Catherine King
David Hall
Elizabeth Matuschka
Greg Govinda
Jeff Moorfoot
Julie Moss
Krystyna Marchand
Libby Fullard
Lynette Zeeng
Michael Cheshire
Oliver Patsch
Pete Walsh
Petrus Spronk
Ross Redwin
Valerie Chetelat
Fiona Brook
Denise Robinson
Anthony Schibelli
Kerry Murrell\
Kim Percy
Daylesford Foto Biennale Inc is a not for profit incorporated association charged with facillitating and implementing the
Daylesford Foto Biennale. It is made up of a committee which oversees the work of the festival management team. There are
two levels of membership of the Daylesford Foto Biennale - member with voting rights and subscriber with non voting rights.
For information on becoming a member or subscriber of Daylesford Foto Biennale Inc go to the subscriber page