The photo documentary shooter is a breed apart. Often working on self assigned projects without any guarantees of a result
or publication, it can be a solitary and challenging existence - but never is it dull. This seminar brings you the experiences
of three of Australias finest.
Where Daylesford Town Hall 76 Vincent Street Daylesford
When Saturday June 18th 1 pm - 4 pm
Entry $ 30 [$25 concession & DFB subscribers]
Disabled access
Bookings [03] 5348 5703, from the info caravan, or tickets at the door
The speakers
Born 1966, Mathias Heng grew up in Singapore and graduated from Boys Town Vocational Institute where he studied Graphics reproduction.
Images from humanity issues had a powerful effect on him, and for that reason influenced his decision to become a photographer.
He now resides in Australia, spending much of his time travelling on assignments to places of war, disaster, poverty and
human struggle. Mathias has photographed several conflicts and their effects on the civilian population, producing a body
of emotionally moving documentary work that captures key moments and turning points in history.
© mathias heng |
Jason Edwards is a Wildlife and Natural History photographer. He has photographed in more than two-dozen countries. His work
has appeared in National Geographic Magazine, Australian Geographic, BBC Wildlife Magazine, Aqua Geographia, and Nature Australia
amongst others. In 2004 Jason was awarded the inaugural "Pursuit of Excellence" Award by the Australian Geographic
Society For his extreme efforts and absolute commitment to obtaining rare and amazing photographs.
© jason edwards |
Andrew Chapman speaks about his approach to, and love of documentary photography as well as presenting images from his current
show, "The Shearers", and images from "Campaign" - a proposed exhibition of Political images. He will
also be talking about "The Ararat Projects" and the power of the group documentary project
© andrew chapman |
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DFB 05 SILVER PASS: admits holder to *all DFB 05 seminars.
Silver pass price $145 [$115 concession and DFB subscribers] 10% earlybird discount if purchased before June 1st 2005.
Silver pass puchases and all other seminar tickets may be booked prior on [03] 5348 5703,
, from the info caravan or purchased at the door.
Pay by cash, cheque, postal order or credit card. Please make cheques and postal orders payable to daylesford Foto Biennale