This is a one day workshop
'The Vandyke Brown Workshop'
Date: Sun 17th June
Venue: 700 James Lane Trentham East
Times: Sun 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
The VanDyke Brown is based on the first iron-silver process invented by English astronomer Sir John Herschell in 1842.
This process is economical and simple to execute. The resulting images exhibit a delightful tonal range and can be made on
a variety of artist papers and fabrics.
Trevor uses this process as a medium for personal expression,
with many of his images originating from large format negatives - a passion he wishes to preserve in a growing industry
of over manipulated digital imagery.
Class Size: Maximum 6 Cancel workshop if 3 or less
Cost: $175.00 [subscribers sponsors & concession $150.00}
Lunch, morning and afternoon teas provided
© trevor foon |
From the age of 16 Trevor has photographed professionally in one form or another. Being the son of a photographer and being
exposed to the photographic process and its ancilliaries at an early age has left its mark.
"Through my young life I had only seen photography as a business, a means to support a family and put food on the
table. The technical process and consistency of lab procedures was always more apparent than the artistic side of image making.
Today photography is a lifestyle more than just work. It still pays the bills, but I have found a freedom to self expression
and a means of fulfillment through artistic image making. I need that balance."
The romance with alternative processes first emerged during his time at the R.M.I.T. and except for a few 'trial separations'
the relationship has blossomed. The Van Dyke Brown process has been his favorite medium and the last decade has seen much
understanding of the process that can deliver beautiful images on a range of fine art papers and supports. The biggest drawback
was the need to produce a quality contact negative in the darkroom, suitable to print from.
Now with the absolute flood of 'digital everything'; in today's photographic industry, Trevor has embraced a method of
making digital negatives quickly and easily. This takes away the darkroom component of the process so one can make images
on a range of mediums with controllable and predictable results.