one day workshop
Photographic thought processes - a workshop
Date: Saturday 9th June
Venue: Trentham Neighbourhood House
Times: 10am to 4.30 pm
Not only are we what we think, but our photographic work is also a product of what and how we think. So it is a great
idea to have a really good look at how we think about our photography and which thought processes serve your photography and
which ones hold you back.
This one day, highly experiential workshop gives participants an unusual opportunity to examine all aspects of the ways
they think about their photography, examines a lot of alternative viewpoints and allows them to take conscious control over
their thinking. Along the way participants will learn some great techniques for enhancing creativity, fine tuning their seeing
skills and learn how to break old habits.
Topics covered include:
The comfort zone, what it is, how it holds you back and why you want to be just outside it
What is creativity
Born vs learned skills, is there really any difference
Pre-visualisation and how to use it
The value of play
The role of planning in creative activities
The nature of photography
Preconceptions and how they limit Expectations
Ideas about photography, its sacred cows and making sense of them
The value of self-imposed restriction
Overcoming blocks
Level of skill required: Suitable for amateur to professional
Class Size: 12 Cancel workshop if 5 or less
Cost : $175.00 [subscribers sponsors & concession $150.00]
Meals Provided: Lunch plus morning and afternoon tea
half day workshop
Digital Infrared Photography - An Introductory Workshop
Date: Sunday 10th June
Venue: Trentham Neighbourhood House
Times: 1am to 4.00 pm
Description: This workshop introduces you to shooting infrared images using digital cameras. Infrared photography is
a beautiful, yet different way of seeing the world using a part of the light spectrum that our eyes are not sensitive to,
but digital cameras are. It results is a stunningly different look to landscape and people photography
Topics covered include:
What is infrared and why is it interesting
How digital cameras work with infrared
Converted vs normal digital cameras for infrared
Subject matter and how it responds
Shooting practices
Photoshop handling of infrared images
BW infrared vs. colour
Printing and presentation
This workshop introduces you to the possibilities of your existing digital camera equipment when used in a new way. It
takes you through what you need to get started and guides your experimentation in digital infrared. It covers shooting techniques
and limitations in camera and lens equipment that can impact on your infrared shooting. At the end of this half-day you will
know what you can do with the gear you have, what filter to buy, how to shoot and how to handle the resulting images.
Level of skill required: suitable for amateur to professional
Class Size: Maximum 15
Cancel workshop if 5 or less
Cost to Participants $95.00 [Subscribers sponsors & concession $80.00]
Afternoon tea provided
one day workshop
Digital Photography: Just Part of the Photography Continuum
Date: Saturday 30th June
Venue: Trentham Neighbourhood House
Times: 10am to 4.30 pm
Description: In this workshop we explore the dimensions of digital technology and how it fits within the full scope of
Topics covered include:
What really is photography?
How technology relates to photography?
Process vs practice.
Digital capture vs analogue capture.
Digital processing vs analogue processing
Digital output vs analogue output
An historical perspective/ Closing the circle
Level of skill required: Suitable for serious amateur to professional
Class Size: Maximum 12
Cancel workshop if 5 or less
Cost: $175.00 [subscribers sponsors & concession $150.00]
Meals Provided: Lunch plus morning and afternoon teas

Wayne J. Cosshall has been a photographer since he was 14, getting his first camera to connect to the telescopes he was
mad about. Thus his first pictures were of the stars and he has gradually come down to earth. He is the publisher of Digital
ImageMaker International ( and involved in a number of other Internet publishing ventures. Wayne has been
a teacher, educator and communicator all his adult life. He started his university teaching career whilst still an undergraduate
student himself. He was a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at Swinburne University and Head of the Computer Graphics Research
Group for some 17 years there, specializing in parallel computer graphics rendering, computer architectures for graphics and
mathematical and algorithmic art. Following this he went off and did writing full time and also taught (and consulted) at
a number of small, private tertiary educational institutions, teaching photography, Photoshop, digital art and web design.
He created his first computer graphics image in 1979, built his first computer in 1980 and constructed his first digital camera
in 1986. Wayne has written for and/or edited most of the Australian photography and graphic design magazines, and written
for several of the major US mags. His personal art work is strongly photomedia based and is currently an even mix of infrared
and visible light work. Some are printed unmanipulated and some extensively worked in Photoshop and often combining tens of
images to create scenes that have never existed outside of Wayne's mind.