GALERIA BEZDOMNA is an open photographic
exhibition allowing free participation by all who are
willing to show their own photographs in Daylesford.
GALERIA BEZDOMNA has no entry criteria and
what is exhibited depends only on the self-censorship
of the participating photographers.
GALERIA BEZDOMNA operates with absolutely
no funds and is accessible to artists and photographers
- professional and hobbyists alike.
There are no fees or commission. Participants must
bring their own tools and hang their works on Saturday
June 2nd at the Mill Markets, 105 Central Springs Road
Doors open at 10am, last catalogue entry is 4pm or
when all available hanging space is taken – whichever
comes first.
For the uninitiated, Galeria Bezdomna is a free- form open entry photography gallery, which happens on an ad-hoc basis.
Whenever and wherever a suitable space becomes available, an exhibition period is set usually somewhere between 1 week and
1 month in duration. [In this case it will be the whole month of DFB’07].
Details are distributed to photographers via word of mouth or photographers networks inviting participation.
There is no entry criteria. There are no selection panels or style police. Participation is free.
Galeria Bezdomna runs without any funds and very few rules. Anyone who turns up on hanging day with their pictures and
their hanging toolkit and can find a space is welcome to participate. There are no restrictions on number of pictures, size
or content, save that the participant gives respect to the other artists who hang work, irrespective of proficiency or status.
Only other provisos are that you must come back on closing day to remove your works or else they are consigned to the
rubbish skip, and you need to fill in an indemnity form on hanging day. Obviously, if you arrive and all the space is taken,
then you're too late.
Galeria Bezdomna originated in Poland [hence the Polish name] but has also run under the title Homeless Gallery and Galeria
Vagabonde. Since it's inception in 2002 there have been 46 editions world wide, including 5 Australian editions, the most
recent of which was part of the 2007 St Kilda Festival.
The next Australian Edition of the Gallery will be as part of the DFB'07 Umbrella Program. If you are not yet up to staging
your own show, here's a chance for you to become part of the Galeria Bezdomna edition at the Mill Markets in Daylesford and
have your work seen by thousands of visitors.