In a world where thousands of photos are being taken every day, a solid
digital workflow and archiving system is imperative in keeping track of
one's images. Peter Casamento will talk about the day-to-day challenge of a working professional photographer and his
system of ensuring a smooth
procedure after the shutter is pressed. Topics covered include: Batch
renaming and processing, metadata, storing and cataloguing.


Andrew has been a major contributor to the Australian Magazine industry over the last 30 years, contributing regularly
to Time, BRW & The Bulletin, amongst others. He was the instigator in 1998-1999 of the 'Ararat'
projects, which involved taking teams of approximately 40 photographers to the Victorian town of Ararat and its surrounds.
Two more projects, 'Snapping St Arnaud' [2005] and 'Making Hay' [2006] have since been completed with more planned for the
near future.


'Taming the Beast' - getting the perfect print from an Epson 4800, not what it wants to give you. Having been on the road
and taken some great images, processed and enhanced them to perfection, then what are you going to do with them? Put them
in a digital shoebox? On the web or a CD? What a shame when you can print beautifully crafted images on fine art papers just
like we used to do in the dark room, only it's not so dark anymore. Bring the craft back and 'Tame the Beast'.
David is passionately committed to the dynamic, creative process of revealing the extraordinary in the ordinary of our
every day world. Creating images that are beautiful, powerfully structured, bold and graphic, challenging us to see our world
from a different point of view, to shake off our tired assumptions and enliven our perceptions.
