Head On 2007 Portrait Prize
Daylesford Town Hall Venue no 1
76 Vincent Street Daylesford.
Hours 10am to 4pm daily
disabled access
admission free
Head On is a national photographic portrait competition founded three years ago by photographer Moshe Rosenzveig. It was
organised with a real community spirit, it had no budget or prize money and ultimately attracted thousands of visitors.
Since its inception three years ago, the show has undergone exponential growth and has established itself as one of Australia's
major photographic portrait exhibitions.
Selection of images for Head On has been based from the beginning on the power of the photograph rather than the celebrity
of either the sitter or photographer. This helps not only in maintaining the status of photography as an art form but also
creates a sense that it is a popular, democratic and accessible medium by the inclusion of photographers and subjects who
are not necessarily well known.
Head On represents a vibrant, diverse cross-section of new and traditional photographic practices. Images selected over
the past 4 years ranged from digitally produced documentary portraiture to evocative portraits produced with the most basic
picture taking device of all - the pinhole camera.
Past winners are: photojournalist, Stephen Dupont, past Citigroup Portrait Prize winner, Greg Weight, commercial photographer,
Anthony Browell, Patricia Casey, Sally McInerney and Melbourne photographer, Samantha Everton.
The 2007 show was launched in April at one of Australia's major photography galleries, the Australian Centre for Photography
and then moves to the Daylesford Foto Biennale. The selection committee included Sandy Edwards, photographer, curator and
past director of Stills Gallery, Gene Sherman, director of Sherman Galleries and founder of the Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation
and Moshe Rosenzveig, photographer and Head On founder and curator.
Twins 3 |

© sueellen symons |
Head On is proudly supported by:
Canon, ACDSee Systems, Focal Press, T-Bone, emailbrain, Belgravia, Climbing Wines, Momento, ACP, Canvas.
It has been made possible thanks to the photographers and goodwill of many people.
Charlie Waite [UK] - Landscape
Pantechnicon Gallery Venue no 24
34 Vincent St Daylesford.
Hours 11am to 5pm Thursday to Monday
disabled access
admission free
Landscape photography can only be about one thing: 'seeing'.
After over 30 years of landscape photography, I am convinced that the relatively simple process of looking through my
camera has helped me both to increase my understanding of the world around me and perhaps to assist in finding some answers
to things.
The whole business of landscape photography is one of persistence and resolve. Rarely does an image just fall into the
palm of my hand. Often it may be the product of some waiting in happy anticipation. Paradoxically, if the prevailing circumstances
do not allow an image to be made and I return empty handed, I feel none the less enriched: after all I have been standing
in the midst of the countryside, observing the trace of light and shadow across the land, looking up at the sky, in the hope
of determining whether the clouds will comply with my wishes [surprisingly they often do] and generally drinking in the meaning
of the place.
My landscape photography can be a contemplative process where I invest much of myself into the making of an image. The
camera acts as a channel through which I can engage deeply with the landscape and the resulting manifestation of that dialogue
is my photograph.
An understanding of light, it's quality and it's behaviour will increase the chances of the landscape photographer securing
an image which will endure and which may perhaps be seen to have captured nature in one of her most perfect performances.
Washington State II USA |

© charlie waite |
David Callow - 40,000 + 40
Uniting Church Venue no 9
Central Springs Rd Daylesford.
Hours 10am to 4pm Friday to Monday
disabled access
admission free
In 1967, a Referendum was held to change the Australian Constitution.
The Referendum ensured that the Australian Federal Government could now include and make Law for all Australians, Balck
and White, without discrimination, and that all Australians would be counted as one and recognised officially in any future
This was to be the 'turning point' for all Australians.
40 years on ..... I just wanted to see for myself.

© david callow |
David Callow's 40,000 + 40 is supported by:
Macquarie Bank Foundation
Flavia Sollner [Norway] - Quiet Nights
Hollyoak House Venue no 47
11 Bridge Street Trentham.
Hours 10am to 4pm Friday to Monday
disabled access
free entry
Flavia Sollner is a Fairy Story Teller of our own time. The old tales become new through her camera lens. Even without
stage, setting or any added references at all, - a chosen spot and her camera in hand is all she needs to display the unmistaken
spirit of a fairytale, as in 'Where The Seven Dwarfs Dwell 1' The picture is taken in an old sculpture park, one quiet and
frosty winter night in Oslo. With this setting solely, the viewer is standing at the entrance to 'a world of wonders'. The
more one gets to know Sollner's body of art, the stronger her artistic language captures and intrigues one's mind, and it
reveals itself by bringing the viewer in quite unexpected directions. Finally, one discovers that the unarranged spot of the
image has, in a natural manner, all the elements needed for the forth bringing of her tale.
Flavia Sollner has truly marked out a territory of her own with a unique and advanced, artistic language. This is presented
throughout with a discrete but impressive elegance. The source of this interesting originality is a true talent both technically
and artistically.
Pernille Sandahl
Oslo, January 2007

© flavia sollner |
Flavia Sollner's Quiet nights is proudly supported by:
Kodak Professional
The Edge Lab