Portfolio Reviews
The Meeting Place portfolio reviews present an opportunity for photographers to show their folio to a selection of career
influential people, comprising educators, festival directors, private and instutional curators of photography, gallery directors,
picture editors etc. on a one to one basis for feedback, guidance and direction. Sort of like speed dating for artists.
Portfolio review is made up of 5 panels of 2 members each. Photographers pay a fee of $220 including GST for a guaranteed
four 20 minute sessions, at least two of which will be with panels of your choice.
This is a wonderful chance for an emerging photographer to gain broad exposure to your work and establish potential networks
that could fast track
your photographic career.
Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. The Meeting place is structured to handle just 15 photographers
in a day. To secure your spot at the meeting place, send your deposit of $22.00 to DFB Meeting Place,
PO Box 569 Daylesford Vic 3460. Or telephone with your credit card details to [03]5348 5703
For a better understanding of the process, check out www.fotofest.org It was Fotofest in Houston USA that popularised
the concept, and now their portfolio reviews run over three week long sessions and consist of around 40 review panels and
are booked out months in advance.
panel 1
Bob Hewitt, Chairman and founder of Foto Freo [the DFB's slightly older West Coast Sibling] and Rita Laszauskas, Exhibitions
and Collections Curator, Albury Regional Art Gallery NSW and practising photographic artist
panel 2
Alasdair Foster, Director of the Australian Center for Photography Sydney and editor of Photofile magazine and Julie Millowick,
President Daylesford Foto Biennale, lecturer in Photography Latrobe University Bendigo and practising photographic artist
panel 3
Eduardo Gil, Internationally acclaimed Photo-documentary photographer, photo artist and educator Buenos Aries Argentina
and Brian Gilkes Educator, Stock Library owner and principle of Pharos Editions Melbourne
panel 4
Merle Hathaway, Director Horsham Regional Gallery and Anthony Browell, Founder of the ACP Sydney, educator and respected
practising photographic
artist and award winning commercial photographer
panel 5
Gordon Undy, Director Point Light Gallery Sydney, educator and fine art printer and Jeff Moorfoot, Festival Director
Daylesford Foto Biennale, educator, practising photographic artist. Master Photographer and Fellow of the AIPP