little pic entry form
Entry form
print this page, or email, or write to po box 569 daylesford 3460 for an entry form, or pick
one up from Daylesford Art
Daylesford Art Proudly Presents
an open entry photography exhibition as part of the Daylesford Foto Biennale June 3rd to July 3rd 2005
Rules of entry.
who can enter: Entry is open to any Australian resident photographer.
size of entry: Finished size of prints, including frame and/or mat can be no larger than 35 square
inches or 226 sq cms. This equates to a 5" X 7" or 12.5 cms X 17.7 cms frame. Image can be any size within these
subject matter: Subject matter is open, but should illustrate the theme "BIG IDEAS"
medium: Entries can be any recognised photographic medium - digital, analogue, colour, black
and white, alternative process, or mixed media as long as the image is substantially photographically based.
cost of entry: Entry is $15.00 per print. Maximum of 3 entries per photographer. Each entry must be
accompanied by a separate entry form.
prizes: After deduction of DFB 05 event registration fee and any staging costs, all entry
fees will go into a prize pool, to be shared between the first prize, public popular pick, second prize and third prize winners
35%, 35%, 20%, 10%. First second and third prizes will be selected by a judging panel consisting of three respected photographers
. The popular pick award will be made by the viewing
public, who will buy a vote for a gold coin donation towards the ARC building fund. The decision of the judging panel
is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
the exhibition: All works will be hung in the gallery at Daylesford Art, Albert Street, Daylesford, and
will be on display
during normal business hours of Daylesford Art for the duration of the Daylesford Foto Biennale 05
to enter: Fill out the official entry form, and send your finished entry - ready for hanging
[framed photographs need to have hanging wire attached] to "Little Pictures Big Ideas", Daylesford Foto Biennale,
PO Box 569 Daylesford Vic 3460, to arrive no later than Wednesday June 1st 2005. Or deliver your entry directly to Daylesford
Art, 39 Albert Street Daylesford by 5:00pm,Tuesday May 31st. Entries arriving after these deadlines will not be accepted
for inclusion in the show. Each entry must be accompanied by the entry fee.
You may pay by cheque or postal order [payable to Daylesford Foto Biennale] or by credit card.
works for sale: All entries, apart from the winners [which will become the property of Daylesford Foto
Biennale Inc and be raffled as a fund raiser at a later date] will be offered for sale at your nominated price. Any works
sold will attract a commission of 25% of the selling price by the gallery. If you dont want your entry sold, put NFS in
the appropriate place on the official entry form.
return of entry: Works will only be returned if accompanied by reusable packaging and sufficient postage
to cover the cost of their return. Or you may collect your works personally from Daylesford Art [during normal Daylesford
Art opening hours] during the week following the close of the Daylesford Foto Biennale 05 - that is, the week commencing
Monday July 4th. 2005 . Works not collected by Sunday July 9th 2005 will be disposed of.
Insurance: Daylesford Art will take all reasonable care of entries whilst in their possession,
but take no responsibility for loss or damage to works. Insurance of entries against such eventualities is the sole responsibility
of the entrant.
Daylesford Art reserve the right to refuse any entry into the"Little Pictures Big Ideas" show without reason.
Any work refused entry will have the entry fee refunded
Little Pictures Big Ideas Official Entry Form
entrant name ____________________________________________________________________________________
address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ postcode __________________________
telephone ________________________________________________________ mobile ____________________________________________
email ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
title of work ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
medium ________________________________________________________________________
selling price ________________________ [NFS if not for sale] * this is an acquisitive prize, and all works become
the property of
if they are selected as a prizewinner
declaration. I declare that I am the copyright owner of this entry, and any model or property permissions associated
with this entry have
been obtained. I indemnify the Daylesford Foto Biennale Inc and their agents, and Daylesford Art and their agents against
any actions which may be brought about by having my entry exhibited as part of the "Little Pictures Big Ideas" exhibition.
I have read, understood and accept the rules of entry above
signature of entrant ___________________________________________
under aged entrants must be signed by parent or guardian
attached is my Cheque / postal order [circle one] for $10.00 [payable to Daylesford Foto Biennale]
or charge my
_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _
card holder _________________________________________________________________
expires _____________________
This entry form and payment must accompany your entry.
Post entry to arrive by the due date to:
Little Pictures Big Ideas
Daylesford Foto Biennale
PO box 569
Vic 3460
or deliver, to arrive by the due date, and within the prescribed hours to
Daylesford Art
39 Albert Street
Vic 3460
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